Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Dex Meth Blues

Over the past week we have put up the levels of Dex Meth, the drug that reduces fluid hoping that this will ease some symptoms. While it has done this with regards to the physical side of having too much pressure - reduced function of her right side and ability to speak, one of the side effects is that it accentuates emotions and this has caused my partner to have hi levels of anxiety and reciprocally me and our son as well!

Now we are reducing it I hope that we can get back to a level where the benefits outweigh the side effects and the side effects disappear and she can cope a bit more. From this wierd angle I feel like the evil Dr Strangelove. She is also sleeping a lot and needing to eat more often. I am hoping these things will pass and she can have some decent time between the chemo weeks. Something it seems that she has not been able to grasp for very long between the last two sessions.

Next week's a week off work for me. I am looking forward to that with 2000 percent of positivity that it will be a good week!


  1. Hi Steve. Hope your week off was good and you had some nice times together. Gitka and R are holidaying 'down the Channel' for a few days, and i am just working, working! I am pretty sure I could have a day off next week - maybe mid week, if C (K) would like some company? I'll have a car Tues-Thurs if she'd like to, or needs to, go out. you have my nuymbers -- call me any time. I mean it. Love, Fin

  2. Oh, maybe it's this week you're off work? Whatever, wherever, all the best. Hope to see you all some time soon. xx
