Thursday, August 19, 2010

Good News

Hi Ho for the weekend and an RDO on Monday! A nice long break at last one would think. Not bloody likely. Last Saturday my partner again seemed like she was going down the slippery slide after reducing the Dex Meth.

On Sunday her arm was paralysed and she was having difficulty walking. It was very depressing. We upped the Dex Meth and she managed to gain some of her abilities but it was only window dressing. I was in contact with the oncologist on-call at the hospital and they agreed with upping doses.

On Monday we made inroads to get her into hospital for an aspiration of her Ommaya Shunt. It took all day. We sailed easily through the CAT scan. We thought seeing as they had gone through the procedure previously it would be all down wind this time. It was all hospital mellodramas and a 20 minute wait turned into an hour and a half of waiting with 5 phones calls to get the appropriate people. We were left totally stressed out by the end of it all and very disheartened. We felt very much at the end of it all and that the cards were getting higher and higher and being stacked against us.

On Tuesday we felt empty and weren't holding up much hope. It was much like Tony Abbott had got into power with a landslide majority. There did not seem to be much change to my partners abilities and I rang that I would be late to work because she couldn't make her own breakfast. I think this would be one of the lowest points of my existance. That evening we talked about end of life stuff
with my son and a close friend that has been a rock for us all.

On Wednesday I slept in for an hour and rose late at 6:30 am. A ray of sun was filling the house but I was oblivious to it. We lay in bed staring at the ceiling and talked about how it should end. My son stayed home because he was sick with a cold again. It was all lyrics from a Leonard Cohen song.
We had a meeting at home with the Palliative Care team. I got my partner some breakfast again and got ready for the meeting.
After three hours talk things had felt like they had suddenly come full circle. We had some support to get some things happening.

In the afternoon we had some good news. The Cat Scan that had been taken on Monday showed that the node of cancer left after the operation had not increased in size since the previous CAT scan done on the 13th of July.


  1. Hi S, C (K) and K
    I sincerely hope there are good days ahead for you all, and there's no nasty landslide news tonight. Love to you all. Fin

  2. xxx from all of us at Warwick Street.

  3. Hi sweethearts - Kaz here - we have been thinking of you all always - you had an extra challenging last week, hope this week is much better for you - we were at Cradle for a photo shoot for the weekend. Marcel will text re music. Love forever Kaz xxxx

  4. HI Steve,
    Love to you all and hope that things become better for you this week. It's seems like such a battle to get through these medical complications, but the positive scan is good news. I think about you all every day and truly hope this week bring better news.
    Much love, Lisa
