Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Radio & Chem Is Over

My Partner has got to the end of chemo and radio therapy very well. Her progress has shone out and even surprised her oncology doctors. She has had a few complications along the way, a sore ear and skin irritations but has recovered from these during her treatment. She has had a bit of nausea but this has been kept under control with medication. I was concerned the week before last as I had the flu and did not want to give it to her. Fortunately due to the strength of her system she did not get it.

We have had a great group of caring friends that I have rostered over the past six weeks who have taken her to and from the Clinic each day and google calendar and apps have been worth their weight in gold in managing and keeping a handle on this.

Her oncology doctors will be reviewing her progress in a couple of weeks. The amount of Dex-methazone – the steroid that reduces swelling, is being slowly reduced now that radiotherapy is over.

An MRI scan is scheduled a month from yesterday to see how things are going, then further meetings, so there are many people out there keeping their fingers crossed and touching wood for a great outcome.

Carol feels she is reaching a position from which she is able to feel stronger mentally and more able to manage and organise to see people at home.

She still finds groups of people challenging but I am hoping that this will pass with time and we can somehow organise a get together with colleagues.

Sometimes I suggest a Café and we go there for something for a little while but it can be a bit daunting.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Half Way There

Last week and this week have been rather warm down here. We didn't make any plans for the weekend and rested from the busy week. It was "hair loss week" last week. It was unusual how it occurred. I thought that it may take a while to go but it was a here one day gone the next affair. My partner did not seem to concerned about losing it.

We are past the halfway mark for radio therapy, if that is something to celebrate. We would both like to get down to the block but the nights are too cold at this stage.

It is really amazing how going for a walks knocks out the sadness that we share about the future. Of course the intensity of this lies with my partner.

On Friday last week I went to see the Palliative care staff about how the future will eventually be. It wasn't something I'd dwell on but needed to find out how things would eventuate and know how things will travel.

My partner says her situation is total crap. She has certainly been dealt a shit hand. She is so right. When she is tired she gets depressed. This happens when there is too much interaction between too many people going on. So being with one or two other people at once is best.