Thursday, July 8, 2010

Birthday Blues

My partner unfortunately had a seziure last night and had to go into hospital. This was due to a build up of fluid that was likely to have been held in check by dexa methazone that she was being weaned off over the last few weeks. She has been put back on this drug which has improved her situation and she is recovering well. They say this will take up to 48 hours for her to fully recover. There are a few options that are available to alleviate this build-up of fluid which we will be learn more about tomorrow and have to make decisions about. It would be preferrable if you wish to send messages, do so by this blog as she can't cope with situations where a high amount of communication is happening and texting takes up a lot of time and headspace.

It was my sons birthday today and after all was said and done we had a nice dinner at the hospital with pizza, butter chicken and cake.


  1. First of all hi K(jr) and happy birthday. as happy as it can be in a hospital room.! I hope the day brought you joy. And thanks steve for letting us know about C (K sen.). I am thinking of her a lot and wishing her well in my thoughts. I would love to see you all, especially C, but I truly understand that this is about her and not about me. Please let me know if there is anything that C, or K2 or you would like form your old neighbours and always friends. F, R and G

  2. Hi again Steve. Give me a call if you like? We all have time to visit, or help, or... now the weekend is here. Might call you at home some time. Or you call us. Think of something for us to do for you! You can see I am desperate. Fin XXX

  3. Thinking about you all Steve, please let us know if there is any way we can help. I enjoyed the day with Kripa last Sunday so much and would very much like to visit again when it is okay with you both. Lynne and Steve Logan

  4. Hello my lovely lovely old friend, Man what a trip you have been on- just got an sms from steve and I am so sorry, shocked and sad to hear about the trauma and pain of the last months- God.......I want to hold you in my arms and cuddle you tight and let you know i love you very dearly and think about you often....time goes by but the heart never forgets love, fun and the good fortune of my friendship with you.

    Please keep me in touch with what's happening. Do you want visitors? I would love to come and see you- help out if i can. You remain in my life daily as i eat from plates you made and wipe my face on servietes we created.

    I' m loving you sister and sending you all my blessings and good prayers to all the countless budhas. Love and blessings to Steve and K as well.

    Keep me in the loop. And thank you thank you for contacting me steve.

    Love Jude

  5. love to you all and sending positive thoughts
    as carol said this is a crap hand to be dealt
    I so appreciate that you are doing this blog steve
    if at any time there is anything I can do please let me know (0414 632 537)

  6. Thanks Steve for writing again on your blog. I hope that this is a minor set back for Kripa and that things improve over the coming days. Spring is coming soon and with it will be some beautiful days that I imagine you and Kripa sharing. Much love Lisa, Fionn and Leea xx

  7. Just thinking of you. Love to you all. Fin

  8. Steve and family. Glad to Hear Kripa is recovering as best as she can. When and if she is up for visitors is it possible to see her? i understand if this is not possible. I would like to bring my children just for a very short period of course (they are very well behaved sorts) as spencer is almost 4 and Kripa helped us so much with him, Ruby asks about Kripa too and has very fond memories sandy. karelle, Evan Ruby and Spencer (Logan) x

  9. Hi Steve,
    Missing the blog update. How things are going? Thinking of you all everyday. Hoping to pop in and visit soon. Is dinner at our place out of the question on Friday? Let me know xoxox Karena
