Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Its Been a While....

It has been quite a while since I have blogged. Hopefully this is a good thing! Touch large chunks of swamp gum. It seems like it but I better take a raincheck on that. Things have been pretty stable for us over the last month or so. Except issues with my sons exams. There does not seem to be much change in the excess fluid my partner is suffering from suffice to say that it fluctuates. I wish I could say that it is reducing but I guess we have to be patient.

As I write this my partner half way through the 5th round of Chemo. My partner had a Absence Sezuire the other night but this is apparently common with people recovering from brain surgery - according to our onc. It only lasted under a minute and she was able to swallow tablet of valium which had a good effect for that night. One more round left, then a scan and its what to do after that. Physically my partner has been getting stronger and going for longer walks. We may have overdone it the weekend before last though. Things fluctuate so much and there is little to discern definite improvement. All there is is to remain positive. People who spend time with her need to remember this. It keeps the black dog well away from us. Except for Sandy

Today my aunt is due do arrive from driving all the way from townsville as she could not fly due to her cancer and current condition. What an amazing feat. All that way. She is down for her daughters wedding which is at the weekend. I am hoping that my partner can attend the ceremony as she would like. She can't cope with the idea of going to the reception. Coping with groups of people is very exhausting for her.

My partner has taken the dog to the Dog Groomers. We just have not got around to it and she has turned into a lump of felt. Its great to see her getting out and organising things like this again!

1 comment:

  1. Hi. and a week since I have logged in to see how things are. Have been away but have not forgotten about you, partner and son. Nice to hear the gorgeous Sandy is still with you, and now pretty again. A samoid resides next door now. very white. hope the wedding celebrations have been nice for you all. as this is a bit public I wont write anything more personal than this. just to say thanks for blogging, S. I really appreciate knowing. XXXXX
