Sunday, May 23, 2010

Second Weeks Up

The second week has gone by and we have got medications running a bit more efficiently. We are a third of the way through the first course. Which is seeing the best of that side of things. I have used google calendar to keep in touch with companions and carers - thanks so much to them. Google calendar is proving to be a great tool. I recommend it to anyone who needs to manage things like this.

When she is tired the dysphasia is worse. She was saying that when she tries to conceptualise on deep level things go blank. It's the first time she has seemed to try to analyse it. When she tries to imagine or see things that aren't related to the present surroundings it becomes harder to call things up. She says reading seems even more distant

She has been more tired and has been sleeping quite a bit. The Chemo and Radio is obviously setting in. On Saturday we went for a great walk along Cornelian bay in the warm morning sunlight. We waved to some friends who had sailed up from Nubeena and caught up with one of them later in the day.

The weeks are vast oceans between distant islands of weekends.

A book of friends and family are being put together so that it is easy for my partner to describe people that are being talked about in conversation. If you can send images of yourselves to me this would help.

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